Domain Services

High value managed domain service. Our domain service includes FREE SSL and FREE Domain Privacy!

Managed Domain Hosting

Studio 7 KC specializes in acquiring new domains and transferring existing ones. Our process is designed to be straightforward and hassle-free. Whether you're launching a new venture or seeking to enhance your current digital footprint, we provide personalized support for our clients. For those looking to transfer existing domains, our team offers comprehensive assistance to ensure a smooth transition. With Studio 7 KC, you can rest assured that your domain purchase or transfer is managed by experts, guaranteeing a secure and optimized online presence for your business.
Domain Registration Icon
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Transfer Arrows
Domain Transfer

Dedicated SSD High Capacity Servers (No Sharing!)

Managed Domain Hosting (Domain setup, transfer, management done for you)

.com or .org domain (other domains available)

SSL Included Free!

Domain Privacy Included Free!

12 Months Domain Support

Renews Annually

New Domain Purchase


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Domain Transfers

Need to transfer your domain? Fill out our Domain Transfer Form to start the process!